Sunday, July 1, 2007

my prophetic word

In an awkward attempt to introduce the body of this blog, I’ll just say that a prophet named Dennis Cramer – a great man from Pennsylvania who has frequented our church for years – arrived for a three-day visit during which he would be speaking/prophesying a handful of times (Sunday morning, Sunday night, Monday night and Tuesday night). Since there is a team of us going to Colombia in just two weeks, my pastor asked Denny to prophesy over us first on Sunday morning.

(Now, I must interject for a moment to let you know that at this very same time last year, Denny came and prophesied several things over me, one of the most prominent (not to mention surprising) being that I was a prophetess and would start prophesying right away over people. He actually stood there and said, “I could literally take your hand and lead you to the front of the church right now and pluck people out of the audience and ask you to prophesy over them, and you would do it.” I was like “Uhhhhh, yeeeaaahh, let’s not…” But in all seriousness, my heart was racing and not just because I feared he would actually make me perform such a task. I also just could not imagine myself doing what I always felt was one of the most amazing and intimidating gifts of the Spirit, and feared my inability, feared that I would speak inaccurate prophesies…which just goes to show that I had little faith in God’s word over me really. At the same time, though, it was somewhat humorous because it’s one of those things where you’re just like “Yeah, I don’t think so. It would take God himself to make that happen” haha. And two weeks later in Colombia, I was prophesying over everyone…children, adults, the elderly…without knowing a single thing about them and without speaking their language, prophetic words flowed out of me like it was nothing. Like I was brushing my teeth. I tell you what, after that, I swore I would never doubt myself or God’s word over my life again.)

So anyway, there we were, sitting in the first row of chairs on Sunday morning, eagerly waiting to hear what God had to say to each of us. There were some pretty amazing prophetic words spoken, and it’s really cool when you can confirm some of the things that a prophet says about someone…but anyway, I won’t go into depth about prophesy because there’s a lot to it and it can easily get confusing. If anyone wants to ask me any questions about it, feel free. For now I’ll just share the dialogue I transcribed from the recording that morning in which Denny and his wife Diane are speaking to me:

Your first name, my dear?


Audrey? You have pretty eyes, Audrey.

Thank you.

How old are you?


Stay away from boys...amen.

It would be men now.

I made that up. Oh, men, sorry. Stay away from men. Just joking, just joking...

You look very young; you'll like that later.

Tongues, tongues, tongues and more tongues. Let 'em go, let 'em fly, let 'em rip. Tongues, tongues, tongues, tongues. I want you to rev up your engines. I want you to get your tank filled, your batteries charged, you do that by speaking in languages that you never learned. For he that speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself! And my word says, build yourself up on your most holy faith. How? By praying in the Holy Ghost. I want you to be a tongue talker. I want you to do it morning, noon and night, morning, noon and night.

Now listen woman of God; you have an unusual ability to see the need and to know how to meet the need. You have insight. By revelation, you many times know what God is doing. And you've been saying, "Well, I'm kind of a 21-year-old young gal and maybe I should not stick my nose in areas where I'm not called or gifted. You are called! You are gifted! Get involved! Get your nose in stuff. God says, this is gonna be the first step in many steps where I begin to bring you more into the call of God that is upon your life. You are a doer. You are an active woman of God. You're not interested in sitting back and watching. You're not interested in just spectating. You want to DO. You are a participator, not a spectator. And so God says all of heaven, listen...all of heaven is now gonna begin to flow in and through your life. A woman of power. A woman of power. A woman of power. Heaven is gonna begin to back you up. Heaven is gonna begin to endorse you. You're gonna see stuff you've only read about in my word. And so get ready, God says, there's a blanket of power, supernatural power that's gonna come upon you and you will see the supernatural right before your eyes. Give me glory and I will increase that, says the Lord.

Um, do you journal at all? Are you a journaler or a writer?

I used to journal, but not really anymore.

OK, I thought, I believe you're supposed to begin to journal again...and I see a writing gift in you I believe. I don't know if it's for poetry or books or perhaps songs but I'm kinda thinking more in the literary kind of thing. And I think journaling is gonna be sort of like your work out, it's gonna get you back into the flow. And I think when God does some powerful things like Denny said in your life, you need to record those things in your journals and then out of that, God's going to produce either some poetry book or something that I believe is going to be good for the kingdom.

EPILOGUE: Tongues? Hmmmm haha. That’s another one that some people might not understand so again, whoever wants to can feel free to ask me about it. All I can say about this part of the prophesy is, I have dabbled in spiritual tongues before and sure I’ve had the urge to do it more and will probably start trying now…but as far as actually speaking unknown languages, that kind of falls under the same category as prophesying in my eyes lol. I’m definitely looking forward to God using me to pull that off. :)


Blogger AKBogert said...

Firstly, in response to "happy?"

Yes. Very.

Second--- tongues is awesome. It's funny cuz my friends Charlotte and Mike came to my church during a revival week for the first time, and of all nights it was a tongues-based night. So by the end of it they'd heard tongues all night and were kinda like... what the -?

But they're awesome. And it's awesome that you got that word.

As for the writing thing, it looks like God and I are on the same page. The "Audrey, you better write something new because I'm sick of staying on this page" sort of page. Seriously though, I like what this dude told you. In so many words, he simply said

Audrey...start the revolution!

July 2, 2007 at 3:12 PM  

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