Saturday, September 6, 2008

leaving on a jet plane

It's been quite a while since i posted. I guess i'm still trying to figure out which of my thoughts are worth sharing with the world (or at least which are appropriate). In the meantime, i thought i'd let you know that i'm going to Michigan in 10 days to see one of my best friends.

I haven't seen Jenna in four years. That realization just hit me as i purchased my plane ticket, and i don't think i could feel more awful about it if i tried. Naturally, i feel bad that i hadn't visited earlier, haven't called more...but it really saddens me to see how easily we become disconnected from one another. How easily we let time pass.

The last time i saw Jenna, she was driving off to her honeymoon with her new husband, waving goodbye through the rear window of their car. She just gave birth to their second child, and i haven't even met their first yet. I will, though, and that fills me with so much happiness. Instead of focusing on the last four years, i want to go to Michigan, spend time with Jenna's family, and look forward to the next four.

I have very few good friends right now, but they're the only ones i want to keep around. And so i shall.


Blogger AKBogert said...

It's frightening how quickly we lose contact with those we love. I for one am still afraid that i'll fail as gravely to correspond with my friend Andrew on this year's trip to Africa as i did for the past year. Africa, and i don't even think to send an e-mail.

Anyhow, good for you. It sounds like you could use some upbuilding. I think, these days, we all could.

September 9, 2008 at 8:14 PM  
Blogger ~Jodi~ said...

awwww have a wonderful time.. i totally hear ya and get exactly what you mean! you guys need to um give each other a hug from me to each of ya :) if that makes any sense! i wish i could come hang out with you both or um well meet you and see Jenna! i miss you both
love ya audrey

September 18, 2008 at 10:12 PM  

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