Wednesday, February 20, 2008

this is why.

Why i jump into the river. Why i get dirty as often as possible. Why i sing even when i probably shouldn't. Why i climb trees. Why i go barefoot. Why i choose outdoors instead of indoors. Why i don't get mad at slow drivers. Why i talk to strangers. Why i eat it. Why i stay up a little later. Why i listen to the whole story. Why i listen, period. Why i read the whole book. Why i pay attention to detail. Why i look up every once in a while. Why i love children and animals. Why i try. Why i do it afraid. Why i learn how to do as many things as i possibly can. Why i say yes far too much. Why i never turn down a hug. Why i admit when i'm wrong. Why i watch how the water moves, how the sand shifts, how the grass sways, how the fire burns. Why i write, even if no one cares. Why i give gifts for no particular reason. Why i wear soft things. Why i'm easily made content. Why i smile too much. Why i laugh when i want to. Why i cry when i need to. Why i daydream at all the wrong times. Why i often do stupid things for the sake of adventure. Why i want to experience everything good and honest and messy in life. Why i need to stop attaching myself to people so easily. Why i need to be more realistic and less idealistic. Why i need to stop wearing my heart on my sleeve.


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